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Day Care in Toronto - Main 3

Children over the age of 18 months are provided with hot nutritious balanced lunch, light snacks are provided as well in the morning and afternoon. Parents are reminded that morning snack is not to a replacement for your child’s breakfast. Please ensure that your child has breakfast before arriving at the centre. Any outside food should not be brought into the centre and they cannot be left in their knapsacks. Parents must complete a Parent Instruction Form concerning any specific dietary needs or allergies.

*Menus are posted throughout the centre (kitchen, preschool, and toddler rooms) copies will be provided upon request.
Severe food allergies cannot accommodate, arrangements will be made with parents and Executive Director to bring in food from home while taking into consideration that the centre is NUT and PEANUT FREE.

Parents of infants will provide formula, cereal, and jarred or homemade foods for their child. Bottles must be unbreakable plastic and labeled. The infant feeding schedule Form must be completed before the first day of attendance. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that they have an appropriate amount supply of food supplies for 5 days. All bottles will be refrigerated due to public health guidelines including water and juices; items will be discarded after 1 hour if not properly refrigerated.

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